
New Jersey Employment Lawyer Blog


Beware Signing Documents that May Hurt Your New Jersey Disability Discrimination Case Down the Road

In a lot of law blogs and other items that come from lawyers and law firms, you’ll probably hear the admonition, “Any time you are signing any legal document, be sure that you understand everything on that document before you put a pen on the paper,” or words to that…


The Relationship Between Workplace Hairstyle Restrictions and Race Discrimination

Discrimination can come in many forms. One of those forms is through the policies that an employer creates and enforces. Sometimes, the discriminatory nature of those policies is fairly obvious; other times, it can be much more subtle. Take for example, restrictions on workers’ hairstyles. On the surface, it may…


Two U.S. Supreme Court Cases Could Greatly Enhance Federal Employment Discrimination Protections for LGBTQ+ Workers

Followers of national news in late April have likely become aware that the U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering two cases that could vastly reshape the face of federal employment discrimination law. One case asks the court to decide whether or not current federal law (Title VII of the Civil…


I Was the Victim of Workplace Discrimination in New Jersey Related to My Obesity. What Can I Do?

A well-worn phrase opines that it is “not what you say but how you say it.” Believe it or not, your disability discrimination case may be somewhat like that. Sometimes, the key to success is not proving that you were harmed based upon a condition you had, but instead lies…


An Employer Settles With the EEOC After a Supervisor told a Pregnant Worker that Pregnancy Made Women ‘Retarded’ and ‘Stupid’

Starting or growing your family through a pregnancy should be an exciting and gratifying experience. The same should be true about pursuing your chosen career field, before, during and after your pregnancy. Too many times, that doesn’t happen. An employer’s concerns about the wrong things regarding a pregnant employee –…


My Employer Fired Me for Being a Legal User of Medical Marijuana. Can I Sue for Discrimination and Win in New Jersey?

One of the more quickly evolving issues of law and society is marijuana. Marijuana, just a few decades ago, was something seen as only a harmful recreational drug and people associated its users with the stereotype of the lazy “stoner.” Today, it has begun being embraced for multiple therapeutic uses.…


What You Can Do If You’re Sexually Harassed at Work By Someone Who Doesn’t Work for Your New Jersey Employer

If your supervisor at work demands that you give him sexual favors or else lose your job, and you report that harassment to your employer and your employer does nothing to the offender, then you may know that you can go to court against both your employer and the supervisor.…


A New Jersey Employee, Fired 17 Days After Returning from Maternity Leave, Receives a $500K Settlement in Her Discrimination Case

The situation of pregnant women or new mothers suffering discrimination at work as a result of their pregnancies is, unfortunately, an all-too-common scenario, both inside and outside New Jersey. An employer decides that an employee’s pregnancy has rendered her insufficiently productive when it comes to growing the employer’s bottom line,…


A New Law Means More Eligibility and More Benefits for New Jersey Workers Who Need to Take Paid Family Leave

When New Jersey first enacted its paid family leave program in 2009, it was the second state in the country to do so, following only California. As the program approached a decade in existence, problems remained. Some lawmakers believed that too many families were still unable to take needed family…


How a Woman’s Snapchat Video and Text Messages Helped Her New Jersey Pregnancy Discrimination Case

Modern technology can be both a great help and a hindrance sometimes. One way in which it is potentially beneficial is by providing a means for recording things in a moment’s notice, which may be extremely helpful if a situation evolves into a lawsuit. In an auto accident, you may…

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